Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Small, Small, Small. Small enough to put in Pocket.

"When she was arrested in Afghanistan last month, Aafia Siddique allegedly had in her possession maps of New York, a list of potential targets that included the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the subway system and the animal disease center on Plum Island, detailed chemical, biological and radiological weapon information that has been seen only in a handful of terrorist cases, as well as a thumb drive packed with emails, ABC News has learned."

What can we learn from this story? We can learn that if we have an agent with a Ph. D. in useful technologies for warmaking, and if we have hundreds of thousands of active supporters contributing arms, money, manpower, and dedicated expertise, as well as nations willing to dedicate their hearts and souls and materiel to our efforts, then we might find someone who can be-- captured by a couple of illiterate uniform- wearing peasants toting shotguns!

Or we can learn to live and work effectively by using our wits and developed skills, our actions smaller than small. What is this?:

That haul of information has led multiple government sources to describe Siddique, a 36 year-old MIT graduate, as a potential "treasure trove" of information on terrorist supporters, sympathizers or 'sleepers' in the United States and overseas.


Only a "handful" of captured alleged Al Qaeda associates have had the kind of detailed information on weapons of mass destruction that Siddique, who attended MIT as an undergraduate and earned her PhD in neuroscience at Brandeis, had in her handbag, multiple current and former US intelligence and law enforcement officials told ABC News. [...]

"Her education troubled us. We know that she's extremely bright. She's radicalized. We knew that she had been planning, or at least involved in the planning, of a wide variety of different operations, whether they involved weapons of mass destruction or research into chemical or biological weapons, whether it was a possible attempt on the life of the President," said Kiriakou.


When nabbed by a team of Afghanistan National Police officers on July 17th, she also had in her possession a one gigabyte digital media storage device - a thumb drive - whose contents included a large trail of emails that authorities are now poring over, sources said. Those e-mails, a source involved in the investigation said, are between "what she described as 'units' and what we would call 'cells'."

In her papers she had maps and information concerning potential targets in New York City that sources say included the subway, Times Square and the Statute of Liberty, ABC News has learned. She also carried excerpts from "The Anarchist's Arsenal" and "documents detailing United States military assets", according to the federal complaint against her filed July 31st in Manhattan. [...]

ABC News sources said that she also had information indicating the possibility of "an attack" on Plum Island Disease Center, a secure US government facility off the tip of Long Island, New York where research into foot and mouth disease, swine fever and other animal pathogens is conducted by the Department of Agriculture and security is provided by the Department of Homeland Security. [...]


If ever you wondered where you would find an example of how stupid smart people can be, this above should do you well. Think small. There is no winning in tiny tactical victories; but strategic smallness is winning. Compare, for example, a homicide bombing in a crowded marketplace. Try to recall one you have not been involved in directly. They are a dime a dozen. Even the murder of Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan has lead the jihadis to nothing successful at all. A big an flashy target, a well-executed operation, and to no effect. Pakistan's enemy is India, not a local politician. No gain. That's a loss for their team.

We cannot stand losses on our side, especially at this point. Later, as the tide turns in our favor, we might be more daring and less concerned to protect our assets, but at this time we must think in terms of the maximum gain at no human cost on our part. We are at a point at which we can only smile in envy at the Viet Cong member who claimed: "In all these years we have not lost a single plane, a single tank, or a single ship: because we do not have those things." We have, as our only and as our great assets, Will and intelligence. We must think small.

In what way does any expenditure bring us profit, both monetary and publicly? How do we further our goal of ridding the world of Islam as a political and social power? What does Islam and its jihadis have that we do not have but that we could use if we could take from them? In what way does taking from them further our goals? What is small enough to take from those small enough to take it from? Advice, I might venture, from single people well considered; people well known to us; people who have advice we have tracked and plotted and planned to take and use for benefit later to further our goals. Advice, written down, put in wallet, perhaps banked for later. Small. Individual. Small. Small.

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